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05/29/12 4:15 PM

#19210 RE: piece o mind #19202

The price this time last year was $8.81 as of market close May 27th or $8.68 as of market close May 31st 2011 (the 29th the market was closed.) Today's close was 16.85. The change equates to a return of 90.8 or 94.12% over the 1 year depending on the date you choose as the last year's price.

I get your point but you can't cherry pick data and the fact of the matter is that ARIADs stock priced increased over 90% in a 1 year period compared to the Nasdaq and SAP both of which had a return of less than 5% over the same period. (using today's date)

Facts don't lie. If you want to do another calc using an ARIAD closing stock price of 13.50 and compare to the price from the year past you will have to wait until Jan 6 2012 as that is the first time the stock closed over 13.50in over a decade.

If you would like to use a recent 2011 high in the summer I suggest you do your re-calc as of July 22, 2011 when the stock closed at 13.34.