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09/01/05 6:46 PM

#16115 RE: goosemeister #16112

goosemeister, same here.

I prefer the leverage with the $1-$20 stocks myself, although I suppose a % gain is a % gain whether it's on 5000 or 50 shares. I would find it hard to average in with 3 buys if I was having to split up 50 shares though lol.

I need to get more stocks into my watch lists/data sources I suppose. I've got about 600 in there now which have all been manually entered over time, and a big chunk of them are IBD 100-, WealthLab 100-, Naz 100-types and a bunch of oil and gas stocks, all of which have tended to get pricey lately.

Perhaps I should do a scan in Fidelity to find a group of stocks between $1 and $20 that meet some basic criteria, then see if I can output that as a text file with no delimiting so I could just copy/paste it into a WealthLabPro datasource.

If you have a list of stocks that you would like me to include in any scanning I would be glad to add them, especially if they were in the text format of ABC DEFG XYZ with one space and no commas between them.

Until I can get this chartscript to do more things for me, all I'm doing now is scanning for the W%R (9) move above 50 (that's been giving me ~ 15 stocks a day) then manually checking the charts to see if steps 1 and 2 of the Magic Box setup have taken place beforehand. Obviously those "also-rans" did not quite meet that criteria, there were just interesting.

I also wrote a Bollinger Band scan that tells me if any of the stocks in my data sources have touched the lower Bollinger Band (20,2) that day. So I'm trying to work forwards from there and backwards from the W%R chartscript and create one chartscript that looks for the entire sequence of events including the Aroon down moves and the white candle on the day after piercing the BB.

Did you notice how the list of stocks I found after the close yesterday fared today? Not much excitement. One oil/gas stock I found did okay, PQUE, but duh. AEOS absolutely tanked on what must have been a sell the news scenario.

Let me know if you have a list, or what a bulk stockscanning basic criteria should be for adding some $1-$20 stocks to the scan. Meanwhile I'll poke around in Fidelity's stock scans.



09/01/05 11:11 PM

#16123 RE: goosemeister #16112


It didn't work that time but thanks for trying, I'll check it again in the morning, I'd love to see that.

Just to see how quickly I could do it, I scanned for some stocks in the $1-$20 range a few min's ago. Came up with 80, scan criteria was PPS between $1 and $20, 10% or better price appreciation in the last 52 weeks, PEG < or = 1.0, just for the heck of it.

Scanned those 80 for W%R(9) crossing 50 today, came up with two, HWK & AKS.