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05/27/12 11:23 AM

#142745 RE: genisi #142361

HDL genetics

This academic discussion of polymorphism, mutations, and semantics infused with dignified suggestions of insults has been very informative. I am in awe of the knowledge on this board.

But, I am not sure I understand the distinction Genisi suggests:

....the terms mutation, polymorphism and SNP are widely used and understanding the difference between these terms is the key to answer the question raised by urche in #msg-75751678

To review, my original question that started this thread is implied in this statement:

I suspect the next step will be to tease out effects of the various subtypes of HDL, some of which I predict will be shown to be cardioprotective and some may even be associated with increased risk.

I must admit that I don't feel closer to an answer on whether this would likely be a productive area for research.

My interest in posing the question is that it seems likely to me that if a particular beneficial or harmful HDL subtype could be identified, then it might be possible to design therapeutic approaches involving genetic regulation.