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Replies to #4765 on RON PAUL 2012
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Essence Of Wealth

05/22/12 3:13 AM

#4766 RE: NYBob #4765

Ron Paul power takes over state GOP convention
May 22, 2012

ST. CLOUD – After years of quiet, relentless organizing, followers of libertarian-leaning GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul have exploded inside the Minnesota Republican Party, becoming its most potent army.

“This is one of the greatest states that I have witnessed, where I have seen the transition, where the enthusiasm’s there,” the grinning Texas congressman told hundreds of exuberant activists Saturday at the state party’s convention in St. Cloud, where he won 12 of 13 open delegate spots to the GOP national convention in Tampa, Fla., in August. The 13th went to former presidential candidate and U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann — and only after a Paul supporter dropped out to let her have that spot.

In Minnesota, more than almost any other state, Paul forces have completed a historic party takeover. They proved their might Saturday, but also firmly established Minnesota as a remote GOP outpost nationally.

Now state GOP activists will march to the national convention firmly backing Paul rather than presumed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

Longtime activists realized Saturday that their party has changed from one that stressed religious values to one focused on ending the Federal Reserve Bank, bringing back the gold standard and bringing about a strict adherence to the U.S. Constitution.

The conflict between the two forces created a tense and anxious crowd.

Ron Paul power takes over state GOP convention [continued]

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Essence Of Wealth

05/22/12 4:19 AM

#4767 RE: NYBob #4765

Ron Paul wins Minnesota and takes on Romney on his home turf
May 20, 2012

Ron Paul supporters everywhere may have been prophetically chanting when they yelled "President Paul" as the 2012 Presidential candidate not only came out victorious in delegate count in Minnesota but in several other states as well this weekend according to
Ron Paul, marching to the beat of a different drum by saying he'll cut a trillion his first year in office, turn the lights out on the IRS, among countless other promises he can back up with years of consistent voting has caused hundreds of thousands of Americans to wake up. Those who have joined the throngs, throw off their past "sheeple" behavior, begin by doing their internet homework and march with Paul carrying a torch of liberty and hope toward the red, white and blue aiming to save the dollar and keep the eagle strong in a revolution that surely has left the mainstream media and those not in sync in a quandary.
Despite the mainstream media's BIG misinterpretation and irresponsible reporting last week when many initially said the good doctor was finished, it was a slam dunk for the grassroots organizers in Minnesota as they took 12 out of 13 delegates in the second part of their nominating process for a total of 32 out of 40 overall between the two tier event.
As the revolution army marches around the country busy doing what they do best, winning delegates, surely Mitt RomneyMitt Romney took notice as the Ron Paul freedom fighters stormed the gates of Mitt's home state of Michigan winning some there ensuring Romney could not take all. Delegates were also won for Paul in Vermont as well.
A Ron Paul tsunami consumed Virginia with over half the delegates won for the liberty movement this weekend and a Republican Congressional District Chair voted in by the good doctor's people with a whirlwind of county and city chairs won as well.
The wins by passionate liberty-minded delegates brought Ron Paul's 2012 National Campaign Manager John Tate to state, “Victories in Minnesota and other states demonstrate that Ron Paul supporters possess the adaptability, organizational muscle, and unmatched enthusiasm required to continue winning delegates in upcoming contests." Tate went on to say, “We’re also pleased to see Ron Paul supporters engaged in party-building to broaden the activist and voting base that will advance Republican majorities for many years to come."
Could it be Paul's strategy, "it is all about the delegates" is paying off? If the Ron Paul army continues, it sure looks like the good doctor will be a force to be reckoned with in Tampa at the National Convention this coming August.