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05/21/12 10:17 PM

#17165 RE: atomicdogs #17163

I flipped small parts of my position a few times but now, finally, the company is getting very close to a critical mass situation such that I am holding tight.

Pharma development is slow enough even for the multi-billion dollar companies but for a smaller company like Elite it's only going to be slower. But nevertheless here we are. A patent, probable partner (yes speculation but based on management and IR comments), a shot at the very least being the alternative to "big pharma".

If ELI-216 is effective at what it is supposed to do, and even if it is a little bit later to the game and capture, oh lets say $50,000,000 in annual sales which is an itsy bitsy teeny weeny part of the overall opioid market, the stock will be worth $1.50 easy. We are looking at a now 17 cent stock.

This isn't even taking into consideration the possibility of a buyout, nor is it taking into consideration the remaining pipeline, however slow it may seem to some. So even without ELI-216 ELTP can justify it's .17 price.

Oh and those that piss and moan about the price of the stock at a given time can just look at Apple's volatility.

This stock is downright stable if you compare it to Apple's price movement!