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05/21/12 7:52 PM

#17150 RE: lasers #17148

Thank you everyone for your kind words (including those who sent private messages). You may want to be careful listening to any predictions I make :-). A little history. I am retired. Thanks to our stock investments my wife and I were able to retire in our mid-50s with, we thought, enough money to last out lifetimes. That's the good news.

Now, the bad news. I tend to bet big and ether win big or lose big. Not very smart I know, but I guess I'm a slow learner and that's why you need to be alert if I start prognosticating.

Anyhow, the fall of 2008 was a disaster as I had a number of big bets that crashed faster than I ever would have thought possible (see, slow learner, as the same thing happened to us in the spring of 2000). I even ended up going back to work full time for 19 months starting in April, 2010.

But back to the good news as work is where I "discovered" ELTP. My manager spent seven years as a stock broker. He also had a consulting business that he sold for mega-millions. His trading account is many, many millions of dollars. He only works because he's relatively young and, frankly, is a workaholic and would be bored to death if "all" he had to do is trade stocks and travel between the half dozen homes he has around the country, including Hawaii (as it is, he brings in his own laptop, hooks it to a Sprint wireless internet card to keep off the company network, and trades stocks in his office between his managerial duties).

It was my manager who recommended ELTP to me (I don't know how many shares he has now, if any, but the last I knew it was in the 7-figures). I did my due diligence and, of course, made a big bet (slow learner? Maybe not this time. I think this was a smart move). I don't have all our eggs in this one basket, but this still is a pretty large basket. However, we already have a large profit in ELTP and believe it will be the vehicle that will get us back to the promised land. Of course, I could be wrong :-), but I am pretty sure I am right. Time will tell.

Have a nice evening all you ELTPers,
