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05/20/12 8:08 AM

#20625 RE: daytona45 #20619

His living a simple life....his parables are bout everyday things.


05/20/12 8:17 AM

#20627 RE: daytona45 #20619

The parables of Jesus can be found in all the Canonical gospels as well as in some of the non-canonical gospels but are located mainly within the three synoptic gospels. They represent a key part of the teachings of Jesus, forming approximately one third of his recorded teachings. Christians place high emphasis on these parables, since they are the words of Jesus, they are believed to be what the Father has taught, indicated by John 8:28 and 14:10.[1][2]
Jesus' parables are seemingly simple and memorable stories, often with imagery, and each conveys a message. Scholars have commented that although these parables seem simple, the messages they convey are deep, and central to the teachings of Jesus. Christian authors view them not as mere similitudes which serve the purpose of illustration, but as internal analogies where nature becomes a witness for the spiritual world.[3][4]


05/20/12 1:29 PM

#20649 RE: daytona45 #20619

Phew, that is a loaded question, worthy of many days of discussion. Here is a brief synopsis and perhaps a starting point as to MY PERCEPTION and not anyone else’s. This is the analogy that I work from on a daily basis. You, most likely, will not find it anywhere else.

As someone rooted in Gnosis, I believe the Jesus was a Master Student that became a Master Teacher. Out of all of that, he released his need to be here for himself and allowed himself to be martyred as a living example for the greater good of man (as other teachers have done). I believe there is a fundamental language barrier in most organized "religion" and I would call it a Fundamentalist Mindset...a place where being right is a justification for warring rather then loving. In the space where "I am right and you are wrong" there is finiteness, ending, chaos and hatred. I, in no way, believe that was his message. In fact, I believe that it was his basis to initiate change on a mass scale. His info was for empowerment of the many, but in reality only a few were able to grasp it. He brought Mysticism into light for the Jewish society and beyond. I believe that mystical practices were present since the beginning of time and his mission was to take it out of secret societies and make it available to all. I believe that he knew this would take time and not happen overnight.

In considering just the physical plane for a moment, I, further, believe that having roots as a Jewish family raised in mystical Egyptian culture provided him a basis in his expression. He became a seeker and opened himself as a clear channel, including Eastern Thought. He was the quantum physicist of his time. I suppose the best way to couch what I believe would be around his discussion with the Sanhedrin. Since his point of reference would be in Judaism, I believe that he was born a genius and understood that there was an evolution of man in a physical way. Nearly all society had a religious ruling center that was in charge of keeping society from killing each other off. The primal fight or flight urge can be very destructive and there were those who exhibited "other worldly" attributes. Religious centers allowed for the safer expression of this other worldly "psychic"/"spiritual gifts" knowledge which we now call many things. The individuals who exhibited untrained and undisciplined expressions were called heretics and demon possessed. Today, we call it psychosis. This is broad generality and is a completely separate topic of discussion.

In Jewish society, they had the tribe of Levi. This was the trained and disciplined order that could access this “knowing”/information through ritual. I believe that Jesus' discussion and perceived argument with the Sanhedrin was, in so many words, about the fact that the human brain and society was capable of internalizing and being responsible for their own individual growth and enlightened experience. This notion would disrupt the order of things and was rejected. Jesus believed it so deeply that his Inner Guide, what is now referred to as the Christos, set upon a path of creating a living example complete with a group of "characters" to provide a story for the non-ruling party to go by. He took the "secret" from the few and gave it to the many.

At the risk of being declared a heretic on this board, I humbly post this as a beginning or an ending, whatever the case maybe.