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05/17/12 10:01 PM

#67930 RE: DD-214 #67924

You do know that RFMK is a pink stock correct?

She is choosing to invest (time and reputation) on RFMK just as many many others have decided to invest financially in RFMK...

If you want a squeaky clean company with years of profits and financials then i'm pretty sure you need to look beyond the pinks...

I see things in the future working as a benefit for Cheryl Shuman...let's say (for IMO's sake) that one of these products (Cannacig, PP, PPP)does come fully to market and does become a major hit as she is promoting it...She is attached to RFMK, the first publicaly traded Vape providor for the MMJ patients of the world...That's not going to hurt her name is it?




05/17/12 11:14 PM

#67963 RE: DD-214 #67924

Do you know of any billion dollar cannabis company? One that is legal, that is? Right now, marijuana, for the most part, is illegal. It has a very strong stigma in society so it's incredibly difficult to start up a legit company with an illegit product that we all agree SHOULD be legit. All the cannabis stocks here are relatively new and starting from the ground up on very little capital because no firm and no bank wants to invest in an still "illegal" product, even if medical marijuana is legal, anyone dispensing to patients still can be arrested and shut down by Feds.

Legalizing cannabis has only in the recent few years have become a real movement, that's moved beyond random groups of small individuals into a far more united front from politicians to doctors to judges to vets.

These companies are small startups and think about it, it takes money to manufacture a product and ship it out. We shareholders are the ones helping them to do that in return for a share of their profits they receive from the sales of their goods.

It's that simple


05/18/12 12:05 AM

#67973 RE: DD-214 #67924


I figure she has at least 100 mil
Judah about half that
and there are many others with their hands in the pot that go way back when this was RPMD which really is a more fitting stock symbol