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05/18/12 11:57 AM

#13571 RE: Devolution #13566

LT as always thank you for your positive input and time that you have spent passing along very valuable info to all of us. Perhaps when the airline gets started a position should be secured for you in investor relations( I totally mean this). I believe a letter or statement should be supplied to us by management, signed by them stating exactly where we are at. Lack of info is starting to erode the trust some investors have for the co. I have spoke to several people who want to sell their shares because of this reason. We all completely understand that certain subject matter is taboo but nothing aint something. The next time you speak with Mr. Clare tell him that there are a number of small investors that are being starved of info. I myself have bought no additional shares of stock during this downturn because I feel Im throwing money out the window. I truly want to thank you for your efforts on keeping all of us abreast of what is going on. Have a nice weekend.