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05/17/12 8:17 AM

#24718 RE: harrya1 #24717

Harry you have got to be kidding. How was Ed to for see this coming no CEO could have predicted this.

SMTC's Manufacturing Process Continues To Improve

The initial production run took a lot longer than any of us could have anticipated, for two reasons:

The lead-in time for the procurement of multiple core components turned out to be at least 6 - 7 weeks beyond normal procurement time-lines. The reason for this was that many of them had to be custom-designed and then manufactured from scratch. This process resulted in the need for additional tooling as well.
Medizone is currently working with SMTC in order to shorten key component lead-times as production orders increase.
As is public knowledge, SMTC recently underwent major corporate restructuring. This was not (and nor could it have been) anticipated by Medizone prior to the event. The staff changes that ensued contributed to further delays. IMPORTANT NOTE: SMTC has just experienced its most profitable quarter on record (in stark contrast to the previous one). Overall debt has been reduced by 'several millions of dollars' and the company is in good shape to embrace the future. Download their latest news release here.

However, after what can only be described as a series of 'extremely frustrating' delays on Purdue's part, including the departure of their lead researcher, we still find ourselves waiting for the last of the trial work to be completed.


05/17/12 8:59 AM

#24721 RE: harrya1 #24717

Are you completely mad, Harrya1?

I just finished reading the Chairman's Letter and I'm sorry, but your post would have to rate as one of the singly most ignorant posts I have ever seen on any board!

If you actually opened your eyes and read the letter properly you would see that Ed Marshall explained EXACTLY what happened with regard to the "long and frustrating" delays.

He couldn't have been clearer in my opinion.

I mean, seriously Harrya1, please enlighten us as to 'which part of the following two paragraphs imply Ed Marshall as a liar?'


1. The lead-in time for the procurement of multiple core components turned out to be at least 6 – 7 weeks beyond normal procurement time-lines. The reason for this was that many of them had to be custom-designed and then manufactured from scratch. This process resulted in the need for additional tooling as well. (NB: Medizone is currently working with SMTC in order to shorten key component lead-times as production orders increase).

2. As is public knowledge, SMTC recently underwent major corporate restructuring. This was not (and nor could it have been) anticipated by Medizone prior to the event. The staff changes that ensued contributed to further delays.


Clearly, SMTC led Mr Marshall to believe that the machines would be delivered by January 30th, when in reality, there was no possible way that could have happened - and no way that Mr Marshall could have forseen it. End of story.

In my opinion this is an excellent update. Yes, it's been a while between news, but seriously... if people like you can't get something positive out a letter like this, you're better off joining the International Pessimists Society and spending the rest of your horrendously dull days feeling glum, depressed and generally miserable in the company of others just like you.

Personally, having just visited the website of Mr Glen Balzer and spent time reading his bio and several of his articles, I think this chap is an absolute king-size coup for Medizone! He has more credentials and management-related experience than the entire Board of Directors combined!

...and you didn't even mention him, Harrya1!

In closing, I feel that the Chairman has been extraordinarily honest and upfront about the difficulties they've obviously encountered over the past year or so - especially with Purdue!

The positives I take out of this letter are:

1. The hiring of Glen Balzer - a man of that caliber will do wonders for a management talent-starved company like Medizone. I would also wager that he and not Mr Marshall will be the one 'putting the squeeze' on the likes of SMTC and other suppliers to perform in a timely manner from now on.

2. The confirmation that the AsepticSure machines DO PERFORM up to expectations (despite continuous insinuations on this board to the contrary)

3. The Canmedical appear to be off to a flying start! Their faith in AsepticSure - and Medizone - is obvious.

4. Looking to secure a major player in the North American medical device distribution market makes a whole lot more sense than the way they first appeared to be heading i.e. signing up seemingly small-fry in countries beyond the US borders (where we had no control over the way the product would have been promoted).

5. Three hospital trials before the end of the year? That's impressive - and even more so if they prove efficacy to the degree they have done so in the lab. White papers, peer review articles and a whopping great bunch of media attention will almost sure follow if these trials play out the way the Company believes they will.

6. If nothing else, at least we now KNOW why the bed bug trials and the research work at Winnipeg seemed to vaporize into thin air. Once again, I commend Medizone for being transparent about the reasons for the lack of progress (even if I had hoped that we were further down the track).

In closing, I think a few of the doomsday merchants on this board ought to stop their incessant muck-raking and actually give credit where credit's due. This is certainly the best Chairman's Letter I have seen from Ed Marshall - it pulled no punches and told us as much as we could possibly (and realistically) expect to hear at this point in time.


05/17/12 9:08 AM

#24724 RE: harrya1 #24717

Read my earlier post.

The plan......40 delivered by the end of the year.

We'll get there. Patience my friend.


05/17/12 9:28 AM

#24726 RE: harrya1 #24717

Read the English version.....:)