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05/16/12 10:52 AM

#37147 RE: troutkinglives #37146

Great find, troutkinglives !! Food scrap waste is becoming an increasing problem in search of solutions, and the KDS is clearly one of the solutions, as indicated in your article. Great to see PacWest on top of it.

Along the same lines......|WASTE


05/16/12 10:56 AM

#37148 RE: troutkinglives #37146

TKL: Good find. I didn't know about the filters to control odors.

And the KDS is portable!


05/17/12 7:49 AM

#37154 RE: troutkinglives #37146

Welcome to Metro

As the elected regional government for the Portland metropolitan area, Metro works with communities, businesses and residents to create a vibrant and sustainable region for all.


01/18/13 2:24 PM

#40350 RE: troutkinglives #37146

North Plains mayor: End Recology's 'failed experiment' of massive food composting (guest column)

Since at least the fall/winter of 2011, North Plains residents have been the unwilling participants in a commercial food composting experiment. While Portland’s City Council has heard glowing reports concerning the curbside collection of Portland’s residential food waste program, the North Plains City Council has heard nothing but complaints about where that food waste is composted.

The obnoxious smells and side issues related to what the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality calls “non-green feed stock” have turned residents and the North Plains City Council against the continuation of this experiment in large scale composting. We want no more of it, but have no control over the situation. Nature's Needs borders North Plains, and is located in unincorporated Washington County.

With its proximity to North Plains, the company uses our roads, and its offensive odors affect the city’s reputation and residents’ livability. In 2011, the odors and other issues emanating from Nature's Needs became so great, the DEQ reduced the tonnage of raw material the company could import by nearly half. Today, Nature's Needs remains at those restricted levels. And still the nasty odors and complaints roll in to the city.

Recology, one of the largest garbage companies in the country, has spent approximately $5 million building Nature’s Needs into one of the most technologically advanced composting facilities anywhere. And yet the stink persists. Allowing Recology more time to throw more money at the issue will not resolve anything.

As the North Plains City Council said in a recent letter to the Washington County Board of Commissioners, “Continued experimentation with food waste compromises the quality of life in North Plains, and we do not want to spend another year learning that odors cannot be controlled from this massive composting site.” As the mayor of the City of North Plains, I strongly echo that sentiment.

It is time for all parties involved to acknowledge that composting next to a populated area does not work. After many months trying everything from a raw material tonnage reduction to the implementation of high-tech solutions, it is time for the Washington County Board of Commissioners to accept responsibility and revoke a continuation of this failed experiment.

A current proposal before the commissioners suggests that simply removing Washington County’s restaurant and food-related business waste might resolve the problem. It asks again for more time to test this theory. Why should North Plains continue to suffer when the outcome is already clear?

Inevitably, what to do with food waste will need to be considered by every Oregon municipality. Leaders from every community should begin working with state Sen. Bruce Starr, R-Hillsboro, as he brings together regional and state governmental authorities to formulate a way to make composting of food waste work. Together, we need to resolve these issues, and keep Oregon the environmentally conscious and livable place we all love.

David Hatcher is the mayor of North Plains.