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05/16/12 11:37 AM

#3786 RE: sweetpepperjam #3785

It's a shame to see this in single digits however it looks like we're forging ahead.

"I wonder what part of the process will actually bring in institutional investors."

I think they have enough money for their drill programs, correct?
After that they'll need some funding for construction of their leach pads and recovery system. I would think once that's locked in then perhaps that would be the catalyst for big money to get interested as that would send a clear message of pending production but what do I know. My average is about .30 :-(


05/17/12 4:35 PM

#3789 RE: sweetpepperjam #3785

hi spj, problem is the mining sector and juniors have been kicked to the curb.... almost all of them have taken huuuuge haircuts

'if' gold gets back on track maybe the sector will come back

i'm not in this but am in several jr's and getting taken to the woodshed with them
