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Y U Axing Me

05/15/12 8:03 PM

#79478 RE: PhilipDrummond #79475

But what you either don't understand or don't want to, it's not Danny's company. Well, at least it wasn't until the super-voting shares were created.

The way "most...real" public companies works is that whoever owns the most common shares has the greatest voting power.

You see, that's just another reason, I believe, that this company isn't ready for prime time.

The shareholders have much more money on the line, in total, than anyone in management, however, management holds all the cards. Doesn't sound like a REAL public company to me.

Just another piece of the puzzle, Chuck.
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Erik Caldwell

05/15/12 8:15 PM

#79480 RE: PhilipDrummond #79475

Why is it that your issues are always valid and everyone else's are of little or no concern? I find the super voter rights to be very interesting. Maybe no one investor plans on buying up the OS, but is it unreasonable to think a like minded group of investors would? Quite a few people here have bought enough shares that if combined would give them a say in Brav's operations. As it is, they're lucky if they can even get a phone call through. Maybe someone such a group could have advised Danny of the importance of getting the financials straight after he promised he would. Maybe they would let him know that Brav's Yield status may be scaring away new potential investors. Who knows, but I am interested in all aspects of the company, not just the ones you deem fit for discussion.