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05/11/12 7:26 PM

#64611 RE: lazyazzdaddy #64606

Sorry kels, there were cheapies all week, everyone had their chance... and believe me, I took full advantage of those cheapies this week by almost doubling my position between .0026 - .0023.. Man, Those cheapies are looking REALLY nice right about now, and will look soooo much better by the end of next week...

Well then I do hope that you have learned, at least from my sharing of the RFMK plays that I did back in Feb-Mar, to play the trade with RFMK - it's a pinky - pure and simple.

IMO, the sooner that one steps outside the emotional play and plays the trade, then the quicker one can see how easy it is to build a nice little nest egg even on a down trending stock such as RFMK.

If your looking to get back in I would suggest putting your order in now, you might be able to get filled at a reasonable price Monday morning...

Sorry, I've had my play with RFMK beside having some great success trades with others. In my world picking on the faults with a stock such as RFMK - that basically has burned many investors including myself at one time before I switched to a very aggressive trading strategy, along with RFMK Management current actions; pays off in big lesson dividents without having to trade it

It's all a game of risk/reward/and a little guts. IMO RFMK Management is playing the same game.



05/11/12 7:28 PM

#64612 RE: lazyazzdaddy #64606

no reason we dont close over a penny by next friday with todays news. Once the online store opens up with 2000 canacigs that should break us out to .03-.05 :)

go rfmk