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05/11/12 8:51 AM

#258001 RE: petemantx #258000

I wasn't expecting anything. Those 2 JDZ wells are a dimple on a gnats @ss to Total. Not worth a mention. Once OBO goes into production it *might* get into a shareholder presentation, until then the best we can hope for is a short results blurb in a Total PR.

Unless they find significant quantities, we probably won't even see that. While *we* are on pins and needles waiting for those results, Total may not consider them material.


05/11/12 9:44 AM

#258003 RE: petemantx #258000

I WOULD NOT EXPECT ANYTHING FROM TOTAL ABOUT JDZ BLK.1 TODAY... OTHER THAN THEY MIGHT MENTION DRILLING IN PROGRESS!!!!..Do we know if the TOTAL's wells are completed?.... sat on plane with a guy coming home from a deep water drill ship off of Angola ....asked about well drilling times and he said 60 days is not unusual for a well NOT counting casing time......I DO NOT EXPECT ANYTHJING FROM TOTAL TODAY...WE NEED TO RELAX