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05/10/12 5:34 PM

#13345 RE: my evil twin #13344

The first questioner asked them many questions about the seismic activities. He never appeared to get his questions answered "correctly", IMO. He was just trying to understand the silver/lead and silver/copper cost basis scenario. The management had a limited response, at best.

Per ounce cost up to $21.06! That's ridiculous in the current environment.

I don't think this CC is going to go over well with the institutional community. As you (my evil twin) just said: "Something isn't adding up".

I sold my last traunch today. Glad I did.


05/10/12 5:42 PM

#13346 RE: my evil twin #13344

I experienced a technical problem throughout the call. I did complain while still waiting prior to the start of the conference but never heard anything from the technical support.I really didn't want to dial *0 again while the conference was going on. Nothing at all is wrong with my reception so I was wondering if anyone else experienced this . What I did get out of the call was an ongoing search for a CEO( contracted company has been hired) ,normal procedure,I think. The most important positive bit of news was the fact that as the Cour comes online ,as production improves,costs will come down. 50% of costs are fixed and 50% of costs are variable. Also the Company hired to supply "contract miners" is no longer needed. USSIF hired 40 new employees and now have a strong in house workforce that they anticipate will improve. Not bad ,but most questions from BN ,not asked ,Why? Of 17 ,How many needed to be answered? How many were?


05/10/12 6:13 PM

#13348 RE: my evil twin #13344

I didn't have any cut-off issues. Call ended at 4:58 I believe. We only had 4 people call in with questions.