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05/09/12 8:12 PM

#31862 RE: Belize Oilwatch #31861

Simple solution: Post on your fb page and invite all to see..... ~ TECO


05/09/12 8:15 PM

#31863 RE: Belize Oilwatch #31861

Really. No Treaty facebook in Belize?

Bull said they had a good solid relationship with Belize.


05/09/12 8:41 PM

#31864 RE: Belize Oilwatch #31861

Really? That must suck. I think you just have to be their friend. And they have to accept you. No telescope you say? Hmmm well i know you cant get close enough to see anything of importance without one unless you have buisness with them. Remember, there are people out there who are trying to make Treaty look bad because they dont want them to be succesful. If Treaty is succesful, the people of Belize will get better jobs. Belize will grow infrastructure and those rich boys will have to pay ten times the money to keep their help. Some have even gone as far as taking pictures of Treaty's rig while workers were on lunch break and claimed that they werent drilling. That kind of stuff really takes a whck job if you ask me. How come Bull can post new, unphotoshopped pictures n videos in Belize but you cant?