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05/09/12 8:07 PM

#45561 RE: cdmac11 #45560

Uncle Gerry and Dror do care... believe me... they care......

Gerald Sklar and Dror are more then happy to wait 12/18/24 months until a whole new set of Unsuspecting and Innocent investors can be enticed by their lies and frauds and they will sell even more shares into the pump and misleading information they will be putting out. Check the 11... errr of... maybe 12 year history of Sklar and you'll see what I mean.
It's time to shut this Fraud Machine down.....

So be part of the solution... go to the SEC link I have provided and file a complaint and let the SEC tell Sklar to come clean or he doesn't get to sell any more shares...

It just takes a minute to do and you'll feel good about helping to stop a theif and protect the innocent.

Be part of the solution.

Go to "about" tab

Then to the "contact" tab

Then to "complaint center" tab