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08/29/05 11:03 AM

#1786 RE: DTL #1785

Welcome to the PLNI BB, DTL.

Good luck with your investment and thanks for sharing your life long experience in the industry as well as your considered thoughts on plastic's usability in design and structures. Keep the thoughts coming as we progress here so we can all better understand the progress possible for PLNI over time. There are many interested parties who want to know exactly what they can accomplish as they roll out product and refine development of new applications.

I am a holder looking to profit on an upswing, but then hold a core position of free shares at a moderate level. I hold many moderate positions in companies currently on the pinks/OTCB where potential is seemingly viable.


08/29/05 11:24 AM

#1788 RE: DTL #1785

DTL. Welcome to the board from this corner also. I have you people marked for any future posts. I have been saying since first investing in PLNI that it has the potential to be used in large and heavy construction. Like my last post indicated, once upon a time we read by candlelight and then some guy invented a light bulb.

Some posters just don't want to open their eyes to the fact that PLNI has great potential. They just go around like a blind squirrel, why, I don't know.