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05/07/12 5:18 PM

#181455 RE: dreaminbig #181453

Why is that? JBI received permission to operate processor 1 in December 2010. They received final permitting for 3 processors last summer. Why didn't they build 2 and 3 while they were waiting? They could have been operating 3 processors continuously since last summer. Doubling production would have been icing on the cake. But noooooo.

Quite simply because they wanted to improve the design of the processors. Once they took the decision not to sell processors but to make and operate them themselves then the on going operation costs and capital costs of processors is an important metric.

By redesigning to use standard industrial parts along with tweaking the pre-melt and the post-refinery operation so they can handle more loads and produce to order fuel gives them a great competitive edge which just cloning #1 would have missed.

from now on though it is plain sailing - a delay of a few months isn't crucial in the big scheme of things.

Roll on May 10th