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05/07/12 1:17 AM

#237339 RE: SOROS #237293

they can do that all they want
but it won't mean crap
they'll be up against people with their backs against the wall
and the ability to organize and maintain a solid resistance
that can't be beat

I won't be a part of it
too far removed and doing something else and made sure I would be out of it with me and mine
I paid my dues.

that doesn't change the fact that once they awaken the people that can and will resist
guerrilla warfare will win the day....hands will win
it has an extreme advantage that cannot be ignored

too many are too well prepared for gov't troops to win that war
the gov't will win some battles
but each battle will create martyrs and heroes
and there will be cries just like
Remember The Alamo
that will both inspire and inflame the masses
imo, they have underestimated the American Spirit
and it WILL prevail

and if foreign troops are brought in
God help them
they will be totally fucked.........

Afghanistan is nothing compared to what can happen in this country if the gov't turns on the people

just my opinion
but that's my take........