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05/05/12 10:46 AM

#237267 RE: GEO928 #237265

and somewhere in there
insurance drove up the cost of medical care along with lawsuits

that needs to be addressed
we became too litigious as a society

and a good fist fight solves a lot of problems when a lawsuit isn't a issue
especially with LAWYERS

it's a good attitude adjustment for those who can't learn to keep their mouth shut
when they have to go around with a bent or squished nose or missing tooth

there's a lot of lawyers that need their noses bent
to be a lawyer, there ought to be a prerequisite that they have to work in a field involving physical labor such as a crab boat or logging or on a farm or construction or mining, like 3-5 years

not only would we have less lawyers
they would be better educated in the realities of life

and politicians should have to serve 5-7 years in real physical work before being able to run for office....

how few remember what life was without insurance
and if some jerk carelessly bent your brand new bumper and you bent his nose

it was a fair trade


05/05/12 8:54 PM

#237285 RE: GEO928 #237265

GEO - I can agree with that so long as there are some restraints or oversight of the insurance companies. Corporations, I'm sorry to say, are only out to make money, to increase profitability quarter to quarter, and they will go to any means to achieve that, including fakery, thievery, bribery, and collusion between themselves.