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05/04/12 11:49 PM

#237250 RE: GEO928 #237249

America is an occupied nation that has been looted and debauched.

Our money pilfered and replaced with valueless paper tokens.

Our Article III judicial system destroyed and replace with an imposter based on Administrative procedures which violate the very BASICS of the common law.

Our wealth sucked from us by every form of collusion imaginable.

As a result ALL our services and industry have followed suit.

It's as if we had been taken over by foreign forces that slowly replace one things for something that looks like the original, but isn't. (And this is provable in law since Title 8 USC 1481 states, that once an oath of office is taken, citizenship is relinquished, and said officer becomes a foreign entity, agency, or state which means every public office(r) is a foreign state, including all political subdivisions. (i.e. including every single court considered as a separate foreign entity). Title 22 USC-Foreign Relations and Intercourse Chapter 11 again identifies all public officials as foreign agents. As a foreign agent, under Administrative codes, regulations, statutes and rules, have no political, personam, subject matter jurisdiction, Venue or lawful authority over an American national in his native jurisdiction. (FRCP Rule 12(b)(6)) Invasion of the Body Snatchers as it were. Except on a governmental level.

The goal has been to slowly dismantle the Republic and replace it with something no American privy to the founding principles would recognize. A corporate body of rules and regulations that takes NO account of unalienable rights or property. It is feudalism on steroids.

Title 28 USC 3002 Section 15A itself states that the United States is a Federal Corporation and not a Government, including the Judiciary Procedural Section. The de jure Republics (states of the union) and the de jure united States have been subsumed, or set aside by the Bankruptcy Act of 1933.

"In its governmental or public character, it represents the state, while in the other it is a mere private corporation. As a political institution, the municipality occupies a different position, and is subject to different liabilities from those which are imposed upon the private corporation. But because these two characters are united in the same legal entity, it does not follow that the shield which covers the political equally protects the private corporation."
STRAND v. STATE., 16 Wn.(2d) 107, 116 (January 6, 1943).

The Courts and the States through Law Enforcement Officers are enforcing the legislated codes* on American nationals: Title 50 USC Appendix App, Trading, Act, Sec. §4, “Licenses to enemy or ally of enemy insurance or reinsurance companies; change of name; doing business in United States,” as a result of the passage of The Amendatory Act of March 9, 1933 to Title 50 USC, TWEA, Public Law No. 65-91 (40 Stat. L. 411) October 6, 1917.

A system of words, letters, figures, or other symbols used to represent others, esp. for the purposes of secrecy.
Convert (the words of a message) into a particular code in order to convey a secret meaning.
noun. cipher - cypher - codex
verb. encode - codify - cipher - encipher - cypher

Basically this means, unless you stand up DIRECTLY against this encroachment, you are fucked!


A distant memory.


05/05/12 3:46 PM

#237274 RE: GEO928 #237249

It's not just health care, it's all insurance; it has become legal extortion and as with car insurance a forced-to-pay or no-play game.

Insurance is the only business where if the profit drops, like say from a hundred and twenty five percent to a hundred and twenty three percent, they raise their rates. It's so out-of-control that our government borrows money from them!

Progressiveness Must Die Today,
In Order That We May Be Free Tomorrow