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05/04/12 8:27 PM

#127947 RE: extelecom #127946 true!


05/04/12 8:36 PM

#127949 RE: extelecom #127946

Obama Re-Election Team: Shock and Awe Attack on Tea Party
By Lloyd Marcus

As a black conservative traveling on my sixth Tea Party Express national bus tour, I find the Obama administration and the mainstream media plans to intensify their efforts to brand the Tea Party racist extremely disturbing.

The scheme of Obama's re-election team is quite simple: use misdirection to create angry voters who are focused on hate, racial loyalty, and white guilt rather than Obama's horrific record. Speaking of exploiting racial loyalty, Obama has launched, as part of his re-election campaign, without rebuke from the media or anyone, "African-Americans for Obama." Should the Republicans launch "Caucasians for Romney"?

Apparently, Obama's re-election team, which includes the mainstream media, has taken a cue from Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's minister of propaganda, who said, "If you tell a big lie long enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." This is their strategy to dilute the effectiveness of the Tea Party -- just keep repeating the big unsubstantiated lie that the movement is racist.

Last year, black Democratic Rep. Andre Carson said the Tea Party movement would "love" to see black Americans "hanging on a tree." Folks, as a black man who has spoken and sang at over 300 Tea Parties on five previous national tours, I say Carson's statement is insane and evil. I can still smell the vile, putrid odor of the pus of racial hatred oozing from the lips of Carson while telling his absurd, divisive lie. How dare this small, despicable man intentionally create hate against millions of white Americans for political gain?

Ben Jealous, president of the NAACP, is equally without scruples. Jealous said he saw signs at a Tea Party which read, "Lynch Barack Obama" and "Lynch Eric Holder." Problem is, Jealous is the only person on the planet who has seen such signs. In an era in which everybody and his brother has a camera-phone, if the images Jealous claims to have seen existed, they would be published everywhere. Jealous is a shameless liar. And yet, the mainstream media eagerly reports every Obama minion's unsubstantiated allegation of racism against Tea Party as the gospel truth.

One would think someone in the Obama camp would have an attack of character and moral decency to say, you know, we ought to step back from creating all of this racial tension. It is tearing our country apart. Remarkably, the people in the cold, callous Obama team are doubling and tripling down on their efforts to exploit race to the max. No sacrifice is too great, including a potential bloody race war to win Obama a second term.

Trust me, Team Obama viewed the Trayvon Martin shooting as a gift from the Democrat election gods. When Gabby Giffords was shot, Obama's minions ran to microphones to blame the Tea Party. In his smooth, manipulative style, Obama accused the Tea Party of being responsible for Giffords's shooting by calling for a new "civility" in political discourse.

Black thugs have launched an underreported war on white America, claiming "justice for Trayvon." A word from Obama could ease the tension and violence. Rather than a call for civility and reason, Obama purposely threw gasoline on the flames when he cleverly said, "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon." Obama's statement was wickedly smooth, designed to anger black people.

Truth is, Tea Party patriots would love to see more people of color embrace the movement. It pains them to be perceived as a racist hate movement. Fellow-shipping with these folks nationwide for four years, I feel silly even having to say this again, but I will. These patriots are not racist haters. As a matter of fact, the Tea Party patriots who I have met across America are lovers -- lovers of the greatest nation on the planet. They simply disapprove of Obama's boldly admitted plan to fundamentally transform America into something unrecognizable to us and our Founding Fathers. The Tea Party desires the best for all Americans regardless of race, color, or creed. Now, that is the God's honest truth!

The MSM warns blacks that we are a bunch of racists, then tries to crucify us because blacks are not showing up in large numbers at our rallies.

So what has kept a majority of blacks from the Tea Party rallies? Well in all honesty, it has a lot to do with black loyalty to Democrats, loyalty to skin color, and black racism. Sadly, a large number of blacks believe that it is their racial duty to support Obama no matter what. I believe that such a racial-zombie mindset is immoral. I am a Christian first and foremost. Any president/politician who implements and promotes an anti-Christian agenda will never receive my vote, pure and simple...regardless of his or her skin color.

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