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05/05/12 12:52 PM

#60733 RE: mikeymgd #60672

Ok Ant I have figured out your post. You supplied a picture for Chemir chemical park. I did not understand why you would do that until I did more research.

This park specializes in chemicals and not metals. So why should we care right? Its because of Currenta which is within the park.

To analyze Sunergy statements a little deeper one can put the dots together to form a picture. Its really all about Currenta.

We start buy an initial statement in January 2012

Using lower analytical detection units than previous tests at Currenta's analytical laboratory in Leverkusen, Germany , we have discovered that the sands contain potential economic quantities of Silver, Platinum and Palladium, in addition to the known Gold and Rare Earth Elements.

Ok so who is Currenta in Leverkusen Germany....Ahhh a company within Chemir chemical park. I see the reason for Ant's post. Ok so what does Currenta do, well this is were it gets troubling.

CURRENTA’s core areas of expertise are utilities, waste management, safety and security and chemical park management. We offer customized solutions for a whole host of requirements – from supplying materials and utilities and developing waste management and safety concepts to assisting with permit procedures and other services. CURRENTA creates a motivational environment that enables you to realize your full market potential and increase your added value on a lasting basis by harnessing synergies.

Core areas have nothing to do with analytic testing of metals. However that is not were it ends of course. They appear to have an analytic department even if they do not specialize in it.

When working with chemical products and substances, reliable information on their composition, properties and effects is vital. Whatever the activity – whether production, research or waste management – success depends on analytical results.

As far as I can tell Currenta is hardly a first choice analytic testing laboratory. So why choose them and not someone in Canada? Canada has always been known to be one of the forefront countries in mining and testing. Could it be the stict guidelines that Canada demands.....HHMMM

Ok so in comes Beckmann which again is from Germany. Beckmann clearly does not have a facility to process Sunergy material. Beckmann himself stated he has access to equipment that can process the material. Beckmann started his own consulting company in 2001 in order to take his expertise to mining operations to help determine the best way to mine and process.

Because we have access to excellent analytical methods and existing processing equipment, I recommend that we conduct this process initially where we have adequate existing facilities. Once we have determined the highest and best methods for recovery and separation we will evaluate the feasibility of setting up a process facility near our Pampana operation

He in no shape or form owns a processing plant. A look at Beckmanns history points to just one place for processing and that is The University of Colgne. Now are we to believe the University will be excepting delivery of 100's of tons of black sands for processing. Of course not. That is just crazy. So who is processing the sands in Germany. It cannot be Currenta that apparently failed to produce the proper analytic results originally ordered by Sunergy. Add to that the fact that Currenta is not a processing facility but just a lab for analytic testing. Where is the product going? What are the costs and turn around times? Can they process REE's?

HHHMMM the plot thickens for this company.

Ok now lets look at Beckmanns quote....

Lowering the detection limits and requesting the specific PGM (Platinum Group Metals) tests allowed these and other precious metals (Silver) to reveal themselves. The quantitative results have ranged from 4 to the mid 100's for Palladium, the mid 10's for Platinum and 170 ppm for Gold except for Silver which is in the range of several hundred ppm (1 ppm = 1 gram/ ton). Analytical testing is ongoing and results will be published once enough material has been tested to give representative results.

WOW that is fantastic. Such a monumental declaration should be a rather quick follow up based on the CEO statements:

Discovering these additional valuable metals in our already rich Heavy Mineral Sands has the potential to substantially increase and accelerate our early cash flow

But wait its been 4 months and I have not seen any progress to that. So what is Miller's definition of accelerate? Had he expected positive cash flow many years away still?

All those extra ounces of material that no one in a mining company was smart enough to test for previously. Really, are we to believe Parent with his many years in mining could not order the proper analytic tests. Or did they simply use a terrible facility to perform the test..............Ahhh I say they chose a bad a facility. This would go hand in hand with choosing 3 bad auditors in 2 years. I mean really who could blame management for hiring the services of poor analytic testers or the services of 3 different terrible auditors, or even having issues with their CEO Karl Baum. Lets just ignore all that and focus on results....OOOPPPPSSSS Sunergy has declared no results in over 1 year of operations......Ok scratch that lest just focus on filings, OOOOOPPPPSSS again we are but 2 quarters closer to current than we were this time last year, hey at least we can focus on transparency, Oh wait they have not transparency outside of constant lies by Parent and 1 year old information.

Well at least Sunergy has no red flags and a proven track record of solid business decisions. OUCH and OUCH, I think not. At least they have a top auditor now so there won't be any questions....Ya that's a no once again. The firm is very new and best I can tell has only 2 clients. Both are penny stock mining companies. Not a solid backing for legitimacy is it?

Lets get those damn filings already so we can end the whole "All My Sunergy Children" soap opera that is performing year after year rather than actual company progress.

As a shareholder the absolutely unprofessional manor at which this company acts is trying everyone's patience. Vague PR's leaving everyone guess at what the hell is going on, constant delays in filings, constant issues with auditors, test results that appear overly generous and borderline fraudulent until proven, non stop dilution, and false statements given to shareholders over the phone and through texts messages. I know I know its a pink sheet stock with a CE so who can expect anything other than con artists. Well I did, and so did others. After all 12 months ago they were stating the company will be current in a few weeks and here we are over a year later with very little progress.

Good luck all, I think we are going to need it. Lets hope Monday can continue with similar buying to the end of the day Friday.