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05/04/12 12:22 PM

#23150 RE: backtrax #23147

Sounds like true fun ... when the only care we had in the world was whether or not our engines would hold together for another tach-busting, tire burning run down the 1/4 ...

Always hated having to work with some nervous nelly looking over my shoulder. Just wasn't right!

I sure learned to change out a Chevy tranny and rear end in record time, though - had to, as many as we went through! LOL

It is indeed a wonder we made it through that .. no seat belts, let alone not wearing them. No air bags ... VERY questionable tires - sometimes moreso than others. Having to decide between another $2 worth of gas or something to eat ... well, the gas won out usually, and I wore much smaller waist sized blue jeans than today!