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08/27/05 1:52 AM

#17047 RE: stitch_surfs #17037

since you are following vonage speculate on what they intend
on doing w/ their ipo money, 600,000,000 dollars of it to be

if i get your gist u r saying they are going wimax + voip?
looks like we have a distance differential and hence ASNAP

dont forget that they cannot be an island to themselves else
they will have a limited customer base, and hence will wind up
not meeting their numbers

600,000,000, ok 300,000 per tower to make it easy, 2000
towers at best, of course that does not include infrastructure
so we ough to cut it in half just to play fair

pi*r^2~area, so say 30 miles=r? huh? just say 1000 square
miles, so 33 miles x 33 miles, so pick the state of minnesota
for example say 250x400 miles =100,000 square miles so one
might be telling me that 100 towers could cover all of
minnesota, just say we have 10,000,000 people in minnesota?
(we dont) and then each tower would have to service say
100,000 calls? in to one wimax tower, but thats assuming
we have a uniform distributition of callers, right problem
is we dont, in a 30 mile radius we have 90 percent of the
population of the state, so you'll likely have to pack the
towers more densely in a more heavily populated area
im not expert on system loads, computers can handle it but
the spectrum part is a bit shaky and frankly i think that
there will be environmentalists that will question the
process, there will be delays and whatnot...

we have 50 states not all as big or as small as minnesota
some more densely populated, if the specturm can handle
the load 1000 towers might barely cut it for nation wide
coverage IF WIMAX is all that... but here is the rub, no one
will let them use / borrow their data bandwidth so now they
will have to pay a huge toll, work aroud it w/ more wimax and
all voip goes wireless, now more regulation, tons frankly
but then we have the line of sight problem, he he and hence
we are back to wifi... enter clyw, dont forget that they also
have to be able to route the calls that dont use vonage,
another rub another place to get regulators involved, of
corse they already know how to deal w/ that

but, hypsters will say its just around the corner and ppl will
buy the stock like hotcakes because cramer is pumping it
then low and behold the regulators will put the brakes on
just about the same time they realize that there are
technological barriers in heavily populated areas, then the
line of site will become even more of an issue, and wifi will
become the key factor as to whether people like the service
in there homes back to seamless roaming back to clyw and
another break because by then clyw will be swimming in money
furher the patent unlike rmbus will be unfettered by any
kind of scandle (sneeking around some kind of alliance and
tricking everybody etc--ballow, and the amigo's will long
be forgotton as well and infact if anyone brings it up at
that point it will only get sympathy for the company as a
real true american hero)

so vonage has got problems big time, i dint even have to read
your blog to be able to work this all out on my own, so i
wont bother...

folks, another FUD scenario has imho been crushed by the
ihub clyw longs
