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05/03/12 1:23 AM

#48044 RE: ssc #48043

You may think you have a valid point. And in your mind I am sure you do. But what I see is that with the product. The, and the esafe.. The long term revenue has been undersold by Bob Lorsch. What!!! you say. Well it is like this.
Each and everyday I read the progression in the medical community on the EHR/PHR sector.. And to be frank it is in a shambles most providers /doctors have no clue on how to get this system into their office and meet the government mandate. Most are tuning to larger providers. aka Hospitals to provide some type of current system. But they the Hospitals are running into tech issues and several have failed in a grand. well million buck way. (do your own research on those) anyway Back to MMR touted stuff.. the relationships are not something I take as a will of the wisp.
Most of those relationships have produced something. Be it very small at this point in time but something. This firm in this sector has a product that is the answer to many a doctors problem. But while you and I and the followers of this stock know about the MMRPro and the telemedical side of this firm. A huge amount of doctors don't have a clue. But when their office manager gets a nice bill from the US Government for non compliance and doc has to work a few more hours to pay that fine well bar the door.. The rush is on. But during this lag time MMRG has a chance to work out any bug in the system. Has a chance to get customer feedback and tweek the product. And they are doing just that.. As for Bob not being not up to the task. well i disagree with you. And I put my money into that statement as recent as this morning on the ask..
Why. Because I took the time to research the man the product and the sector Before I put on penny into the stock... I took the time to make myself known to Bob by placing a phone call. .I did not choose to hide behind my online handle and assume I know everything.. I asked questions and got answers. If anyone recalls I have a very fast temper and have gone round and round with Bob on a couple of occasions but I learned to respect his thought process and his business savvy.. I also am well aware of those who wish this firm would fail so as to make their product the go to product in the future and will stop at nothing to cast a shadow of doubt on the company and the management aka Bob in their business dealing.
While as a investor I don't like those kind of things it is a given as there is no rules in love and war. And i suppose stocks..
But their is one thing that will prevail and that is the Fact that in the not to distant future a doctor will have to have a PHR that a patient can access for their medical records. do the math of the the firms that are providing and then go to your very own local hospital and just sit there for 3-5 hours and read a book but look at the amount of foot traffic. Going in and out. Then look at the list of all the hospitals in this nation. and do a little figuring. And figure out that indeed this firm is way under value.
But hey who am I ..