Well, if people are brave enough to buy the millions and millions of new, and old, shares that are available in the .004 range, perhaps, we can hit the highly coveted, totally respectful, nearly impossible level of...1/2 of a penny. Hallelujah. Would that please all of the long term shareholders?
Hanover has failed to report on FLRE's current activity; namely, citing all of the new contracts FLRE has probably signed, how that $187 in the bank is being spent to enhance/restore shareholder value, what happened to the proceeds from the Glover/Larson sales of 150 million shares during the 4th quarter of 2011, and most importantly, how close we are to achieving the $45 million in revenue for 2012. Also, an update on the newly created free trading shares would be nice. Is that too much to ask for, as we're continuously diluted down, with nothing to show for the dilution other than Glover/Larson profiting personally at our expense? $187 in the bank after $750,000 of insider stock sales. Never addressed. Hanover, comment?
With our stellar management team in place-place being Canada and England-the Glover boy spearheading the marketing efforts, the Glover wife doing who knows what, Glover/Larson basking in the glory of their recent sales of insider stock, the new and improved, updated FLRE web site, and our PR firm poised to release announcement after announcement citing all of the new Asian interest pouring in, who couldn't be happy being an FLRE shareholder today? That .003 bid says it all. .0001 before .01. Sad but true.