Longtime investors will remember the sad tale of bigfella, who had been a Biophan groupie. Withdrew with curses at the looting of investors when he got into details of the initial entry of MW with merger of MW's company into Biophan. As best I can recall bigfella claimed to have somehow lost half his money with the stock price near a dollar. MW's company had a worthless patent on an antisense oligonucleotide. I have no idea if the patent was thought to have value at the time of the combination but I simply took the merger as inducement to bring a prolific inventor in MW into management. It was a stroke of genius, even for the like of Wilson Greatbatch, if he made the arrangement.
Complicated deal no doubt and lots of details regarding the future hidden.
Longtime investors have done rather well in Biophan, jagman. Too bad you are out looking in.