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08/25/05 2:27 AM

#16850 RE: plaintif2000 #16849

P2K...some person that I don't even know cuts and pastes one of my posts to another board and you immediately assume it really is me?

You really are gullible. I don't have a clue who bean ito or burrito or bandito of whatever the heck the person is calling his or herself, I only know it isn't I. I have enough conviction to post under my own identity which I have not kept secret by any means.

I made that post originally a couple of weeks ago. I am certain that various board moderators can confirm that every one of my posts has come from an IP address in the Los Angeles California area where I live. Further that the message ID's originate from one of three MAC addresses which are representative of the computers I use to post with.

I have no interest in masquerading as someone else and in fact take that kind of identity misrepresentation quite seriously.

I do appreciate you calling it to my attention as I don't read that board but be assured I will be taking this issue up with the board moderator. I don't take identity theft or impersonation lightly. I might be opinionated and I might not be the nicest person if you are rude to me, but I have a very high level of integrity and cannot and will not tolerate people like this beenito idiot taking my posts and re-posting them under his idiotic nomer.

Be assured that if this kind of activity continues I will take whatever action, including legal action, it takes to put a stop to it. I consider any behavior of this sort to be defammation and criminal impersonation and I will not tolerate it.

If you, or anyone else on these boards has information about whom this BEENITO moron is, please make me aware of it. Also, if there are other posts that anyone has come across where my signature has been used under ANY NAME OTHER THAN "STITCH_SURFS" please bring them to my attention.



PS: I am happy to verify my bonifide identity and IP Address. ask the beenido idiot if he or she can do the same.
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08/25/05 2:47 AM

#16851 RE: plaintif2000 #16849

ATTENTION: I have never been a member of raging bull. whomever is posting there as stitch_surfs is not me and I do not condone, agree with, subscribe to, share or appreciate anything posted to that board under that user name or that any other member posts and signs as "stitch": or "stitch_surfs"

In addition to the fact that I have provided my real identity previously, anyone that wishes to verify the legitimacy of who I am is welcome to contact me personally and ask me why this is my screen name. I will prove this in a way that no imposter would be capable.

If the idiotic cowardly impersonator beanitto wants a big problem keeping on with this impersonation is sure to yield one for him.

I am not now, nor have I ever been a raging bull member. However, someone is intentionally impersonanting me on these pages by cutting and pasting posts I have made from other trading boards AND aigning my name to them. I do not wish to have my reputation damaged by this activity as the person doing this is both a well known stock pump and dump schemer and I am concerned that by virtue of their impersonation of me, this could damage my career.

If immediate action is not taken to help me resolve this problem I will contact the authorities as I consider this to be defammatory and potentially criminal impersonation. Here is a post that he has signed with my name and which he actually cut and pasted from a post that I authored several weeks ago on another board.



PS, here is the offending post. Please verify if necessary or contact me via email.

CLYW Message list | Reply to msg. | Post new msg. « Older | Newer »
By: b_e_n_n_i_t_t_o
12 Aug 2005, 01:00 PM EDT
Msg. 8245 of 8336
Jump to msg. #
P2K, you really ought to read my posts more carefully. First, I have never said CLYW will fail, I have however called into question its prospects and with good reason.

The company has been promising on a dream year over year with no real revenues, no signed contracts and now not even the vaunted ASNAP device to show for it.

The company did not join any of the alliances that were establishing standards or working together to develop mutually agreed upon protocals for 3g and beyond.

The competition is fierce, is in deployment mode, consists of bigger, better funded, and more well-respected companies.

and the company has an executive staff that does not answer questions of provide information to the press save for canned PR work that is essentially the same piece recycled with a few names changed.

moving on, the company no lnoger has the services of the CTO and Co-Founder who developed the ASNAP Technology and this man appears to be liquidating his shares.

The company has had many filing delays and irregularities and has also been involved in a number of highly questionable activities that have been heavily publicized.

Further, what I have chosen to poast has largely been reports of other competitive technology and various announcements by major competitive concerns. Where I have made a prediction or stated something that was my opinion I have made that clear.

If you want to call that garbage, be my guest. But you know what they say? One man's trash is another man's treasure.


