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04/25/12 5:04 PM

#21525 RE: StocksRockStar #21524

sells to buys was 2:1?

if that was really the case, the price would have dropped 50% today.

but then again, this morning you said it would go to Enough said.


04/25/12 5:09 PM

#21530 RE: StocksRockStar #21524

You do realize that sells always EQUAL buys right? This is a very simple concept.

You can not sell something without someone buying it.

you can not buy something without someone selling it.


04/25/12 11:44 PM

#21623 RE: StocksRockStar #21524

Sounds like the same news HBRM got...look at THAT chart since.


04/26/12 4:06 AM

#21642 RE: StocksRockStar #21524

Very well said. Red on news, Red Flag

Still it would give some flipping opporunities in a 50% range. Thats Something :-)