I am not really worried about day to day, but some one now over a long period of time is willing to let cheap shares go on the market. It usually means when this happens over a long period time only one person can do this. That is what I am getting worried about. I know the company needs to sell to get money for ongoing and new projects, but just to give them away is not a way to build share holder confidence. And it was one thing to burn the longs before the split, but now IMO they are also effecting their new share holder base also.
I sure hope they update on on production numbers and new possible projects soon. The Perry well is now old news, and they said not to expect long term productions numbers for 90 days or so. So we now need new news on where this raised money be be going.
Thats assuming all these cheap shares are comming from the company, which IMO looks like that is what is happening. Checking with the TA every week I think is very important. Not giving up on LHPT yet, but they should commit to updating share holders more often, if they are using security selling as there main source of revs at this time IMO also.