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04/20/12 9:26 AM

#8014 RE: Majobuki #8013

Thank you for that detailed response. Nothing is beyond the realm of possibilities.

If you want to define "beyond the realm of possibilities" as any chance, no matter how remote or no matter how small, then yeah it is possible. It is possible that the Kansas City Royals will win the world series this year. But that possibility is so fractional that it is not worthy of serious consideration.

I chose to define "realm of possibilities" as that which may not be predominant but has some reasonable chance of occurrence. Like, it is highly unlikely that the Cleveland Indians will win the world series, but their team is sufficient to at least entertain that possibility.

Sorry but you need to get over yourself here Arbpro. To me, you answering in that way tells me that it's even more possible.

So let me get this straight. You ask a question and nobody answers. You ask it again, and specifically ask me for a response. When I give it the response it deserves, you then berate me. Excellent. Simple solution, don't ask for my opinion again.