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04/20/12 4:02 PM

#127187 RE: gp100357 #127176

Obama: The Lying King
By Lloyd Marcus

I confess to being amongst those who have said, "Obama voters are stupid." Unquestionably, Obama's re-election campaign strategy is designed to appeal to the stupid, our "sin" nature, and the lowest common denominator of our character.

Obama thrives on pitting the have-nots against the haves. Obama divides Americans by demonizing the haves. Obama's rhetoric proclaims that the masses have too little because the rich have too much. Can we get real for a moment? The so-called "poor" in America live pretty darn well; two TVs, cable, and two cars.

Alongside race (black hate and white guilt), Obama is exploiting the sin of covetousness to get re-elected.

On Liberty Island in New York Harbor stands a lady, a worldwide icon of freedom and of the United States. Engraved on a bronze plaque at her feet for those legally seeking a better life, she welcomes: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

For re-election, Obama is perverting Lady Liberty's message: Give me your stupid, class-envious, your trifling masses seeking (for free) the fruit of other peoples' labor, the illegal refuse invading our shore. Send these, the racist, entitlement-minded to me, I lift my voice promising government freebies forever more.

However, now that I think about it, calling "all" Obama voters stupid may not be fair. I suspect that my fellow Tea Party patriots are like me. Though I read as much as possible, time does not permit me to keep up with the Obama administration's daily trashing of our Constitution and attacks on our freedoms which flood my inbox.

Most Americans are like my relatives. They go to work, church, bowling; take the kids to soccer; and get their news from the three major networks -- thus leaving them clueless as to what is really going on in our country. So it probably isn't fair to call those who think Obama is doing a great job or that every problem is Bush's fault "stupid." Ill-informed, yes -- stupid, no.

The real problem is that Obama lies! For the first time in U.S. history, we have a president who boldly and arrogantly lies about everything, and his lies go unchallenged by the mainstream media. How the heck do we deal with that?

Obama said we are drilling for oil. Obama is lying.

Obama said the rich do not pay their fair share. Obama is lying.

Obama said that under ObamaCare, if you like your current health care plan, you can keep it. Obama is lying.

Obama's administration says Republicans want to ban contraception. Obama's minions are lying.

Obama's lies are too numerous to list in this article.

Obama lies and lies and lies and lies. Not only does the media never confront him, but they protect and provide cover for his lies.

Is it disrespectful to the office of the presidency to call Obama a liar? Yes. But it pains me to have such a dishonest man occupying the Oval Office. I have always naively believed that it takes an extraordinary person to become president of the United States.

So what are we patriots supposed to do when our president displays such extraordinary unprecedented disdain and disrespect for the American people by looking into the camera and lying to us -- in essence, urinating on us and telling us it is raining?

Again I ask you: how do we deal with a commander-in-chief who is a shameless liar, with the majority of the media covering for him? Frankly, I do not know. All I know to do is to keep writing articles, keep recording my songs, keep touring the country -- speaking out, singing, and inspiring the troops (Tea Party patriots). And yes, keep on praying.

To all of you, keep organizing, meeting, rallying, writing books, producing videos, social-networking, and doing your part. That's the Tea Party!

I like what Ted Nugent instructed patriots to do. Ted asked every patriot to get everyone in his life to vote for Mitt Romney in November. Ted's passionate rant was a call to vote Obama out and nothing more. And yet the Secret Service is investigating Nugent.

Meanwhile, Minister Farrakhan's frightening rant, which could easily be interrupted as a threat against Obama, gets a yawn. This is the media bias and Obama administration bully tactics we are up against, folks.

Brother Ted Nugent's strategy is excellent. Every patriot must enlighten everyone in his or her sphere of influence to how vital everyone's vote for the Republican nominee is to saving America as we know it.

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