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Bermy Trade

04/19/12 11:53 AM

#64927 RE: ENZO57 #64923

Many thanks for the timely reminder. I have been here for a long time since last year and the reward thus far is great. I am holding long!!


04/19/12 12:06 PM

#64932 RE: ENZO57 #64923

Interesting... (the comments in red are my own)

Back to the Facts

Since Jan. 2012, the company said it would and DID DO the following:

The company entered into a joint JV mining venture (has anyone called the company involved with the JV to confirm this?)

They did it with NON-TOXIC Financing (I disagree, they still need to raise over $900,000 by next time this year to pay for the remaining phases - imo this implies dilution.)

They have stated there will be NO REVERSE SPLIT (this is good, but where are roughly 5,000,000 shares coming from each day? Accum/Distribution shows new shares hitting the market and it is beginning to round back down...)

They have hired auditors to move to the OTC BB (True)

The release a Pinksheets version of the 8K (which is only done on OTC BB or higher) (True)

They started a well designed website (very well designed imo)

They have thousands of followers on Twitter after opening an account (possible insiders though? Remember a group footed the bill initially. I'm indifferent, simply trying to add clarity is all.)

The have well over 1000 Facebook followers after opening an account (same as above)

They have a CEO with no history of corruption (I doubt this, every CEO has skeletons. There is no such thing as a clean ceo, imo.)

They have increased shareholders value (if you bought in when all this was being announced) you have seen your investment go up (True)

They have paid for Phase 1 (True)

They have funds secured for Phase 2 (from where?)

They have institutions buying there stock (such as?)

They have done NO PAID PROMOTION (will cause no major dilution)

They have not released PR's every 5 minutes, but enough to keep shareholders informed (Agree and Disagree)

They are current on all filings (1Q? - Audited?)

Gold is heading over $1800/ounce with it having a great chance of hitting $2000/ounce as they pull up Gold

There are warrants at .10 and .15 (and not huge amounts that would be dilutive to shareholders)...i.e. they know there share price is undervalued (It is only worth something if the shares reach that price, outside of that it is a carrot on a stick tactic, imo.)

They are looking to aquire other mines and enter other industries (Let's deal with what we have first)

There is a $3.5MM Buyout option to own the mines outright (indifferent to this)


04/19/12 12:06 PM

#64933 RE: ENZO57 #64923

Hi Enzo,

Yes those were the facts that I posted, and like you said, nothing has changed.

As I have always said, until the company breaks any of these facts, I will continue to add.

People that comment on this board every 5 minutes and new bashers that come out of the woodwork, are in this for one reason - to make a quick buck by flipping or swing trading.

GDSM's share structure makes for easy movement each way, which allows for great gains and manipulation.

If you are a risk taker (which you must be to trade in any stocks, not to mention Penny Stocks), you are hedging your bet, that the stock will go up from where you purchased at a specific time frame.

I think one thing is for certain, IF they find gold, IF they get to Phase 4, and IF the share structure (A/S) remaining the same (as they have mentioned the O/S may need to go up for funding, bringing on additional partners etc., then the stock WILL without a doubt go up.

They have stated mining is not a short term proposition. If will take time and they outlined the timing in their filings.

Does this mean everything will work out.


But, you put your own odds that it will. Mine are at the very least 51% to 49% and that is where my money is.