wolf thanks for your post ...... you said, "Where is the stock dividend OILTEK that Kent sent privately in a powerpoint to hand picked shareholders?"
Do you have a copy of this powerpoint and or a date and time that this was sent to the "hand picked shareholders"?
Would you also happen to have a list of those folks?
You also report "he hires a bunch of promoters to get the volume kicking into high gear so he can dump more after fake interest is created".
Would you happen to know who the "recorded" owner of these shares that you and other folks claim is being dumped to benefit KR.
Could you also help me understand why anyone in their "right mind" would do such an activity with the SEC reporting requirements and the electronic accounting that leads investigators like a "roadmap" to offenders. Even those folks playing their little games here are trackable. It is so easy to find things when you know where to look.
The market cap numbers here are less than $700K, who in their right mind would want to spend time in prison for this type of reported activity?