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04/18/12 11:52 AM

#36 RE: trendtraderz #35

i agree t/t.


04/18/12 12:46 PM

#37 RE: trendtraderz #35

Breakdown of SS ( as it is known as of Confirmation Date, 10/21/10, since there is a stipulation in the RP that the newco is under no restrictions from increasing it at any time after)

98,937,058 to ERH for the R/M
5,498,503 to secured and unsecured creditors
5,498,503 to equity holders after a 1;2 R/S

The restricted shares that were issued (98,937,058) are now no longer under those terms if the holders decide to liquidate since they were stipulated as of the confirmation of the plan on 10/21/2010. Well past the one year waiting period now.

And the name of the newco is Covalent International Inc.

It is interesting the newco did not inform FINRA to remove the "Q".