Not sure I find your statements wrong or just you misunderstand what is required for good investing.
SNEY is currently just 1 quarter closer to being current than they were last year. If they do not relase Q2 before June 30th than they have show no progress for over 1 year. Add to that hoping for an update more than every year or two would be nice. Also I do know they issued vague and ambiques PR's but they don't really help anyone know much of anything. Yes they can pile dirt, yes someone analyzed the dirt and there is material of value in it but when will that material be marketable? Who is the buyer of the black sands and is there even one for them? Have they generated any revenue at all or should we expect another round of 500m share dilution heading our way any day now? Sorry vague and rather worthless PR's with sampling are not going to get it done. Wanting to know the truth is hardly hand holding but hey if you are happy remaining in the dark and knowing nearly nothing about your investment, you can certainly take SNEY better than me.
At this rate they will be current in 4 years. 1 quarter closer each year for the next 4 years gets them compliant. Not something one should show complacency over. Of course you may not have realized how little they have progressed over such a long time.
You are right that they have done nothing that indicates foul play, except that they have done nothing to let anyone know what is going on. Can we really judge whether their is foul play when we have no idea of what is really happening? As for taking all steps possible, well that is just wrong at its core. Outside of hiring one person to assist the account, they have done nothing more than producing a one quarter increase on their 5 quarters behind state. Add to that they fact that the person they hired obviously is not good at what he does. They had to reissue a quarter do to errors already.
I am hoping you know the statement is wrong since the CE has no relevance of whether they have a schedule to release filings. It is a moniker set forth based on an adverstising campaign while behind. The fact that they are on the pinks is why they have no schedule to complete filings.
The battle cry of every pink sheet stock there is. SNEY is no different since almost every pink sheet stock is in default and they all state their intent to get off. For what its worth I do feel they will get there eventually.
You are right based on legal obligations but wrong based on moral and ethical obligations. No the company cannot be sued or fined for failing to perform while on the pinks but as such are seen as immoral and acting in an unethical manor.
Listen there are many longs of the chest bumping and high five crowd that will be happy with your post but that simply shows how bad the post is. You should want more from an investment and not settle for "will do so according to it's pace and not ours". Yes all companies can do as they choose but that is what sorts the good from the bad. The companies that perform and inform are nearly alwasy better than those not performing and refuse to inform.
I hope this turns out well for you but please expect more out of company. Being kept in the dark is not investing, its gambling.
As for me I know I am gambling. I have removed my investment money already and have chosen to gamble my profits. I feel its about the same odds or better than snake eyes on the craps table. If it hits that would be great but if not I lost nothing but time and need to work on another venture.
Long story short. SNEY is not a sensable investment but it might not be a bad gamble.