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04/16/12 8:44 PM

#185554 RE: lbdave #185553

Didn't see a question being asked, but did read a comment about their concerns. And valid one(s) at that!


04/16/12 9:15 PM

#185555 RE: lbdave #185553

I know the topic has been disclosed, but as a CEO of the company how can you expand to the other country if your own country cannot increase the growth of the sales...Do you think that is a wise decision by our beloved CEO? it is appopriate to expand when you see solid growth....that is how we should see the management for this company.....


04/16/12 9:30 PM

#185556 RE: lbdave #185553

When product are shipped to other country like S. africa or S, korea or Philippines the CEO is using 504 money which is shareholders have you heard any update of those country? he keeps burning money for none sense.... let USA and CANAda discover the product then when sales are solid then expand......


04/16/12 9:38 PM

#185557 RE: lbdave #185553

Don't think I'm bashing this company..because I myself loss so much money, becuase of poor management of our beloved CEO...I rather see the company using money in advertising than expanding in other country that its hard to manage.


04/16/12 10:27 PM

#185560 RE: lbdave #185553

Lbdave....can you explain your definition of DD? I ask this cause I find it very confusing what I have been reading over the past year or seems people play the "do some DD" card wrong....

It seems that when a particular investor "doesn't see Eric's bigger picture", they are told to do some DD............but on the contrary, doing DD would tell you "Stay Away"..........looking at the charts, looking at the Financials....the broken promises and lies and fail expectations....the Longs should be encouraging people NOT to do DD...

I personally think some have DD confused with "Hopes and Dreams"....For Example; someone objective says "At this current dilution rate...WNBD has a higher probability of going BK than ever becoming profitable"........(which undoubtably is true)....But then you have the token long(s) who state(s) "Do some Due diligence and you will find out that we are doing great. Listen to the CEOs interviews/conference calls, read the blogs and memos and you will see we are in better position now more than ever to succeed!"...........

What!? Lol...Are we reading the same material?...The DD you tell us objective investors to do is the same DD that would scare the average newbie away! Unless of course you are trying to stuff your hopes and dreams down our mouths....hmmmm...I'll pass.....I'm still full off of Eric's main course....and he never fails to keep me full blog after blog....

So note to all....when a Long tells you to do DD...they really mean..."Please blindly believe my opinion because I have no solid proof or evidence of verifiable growth so I occasionally throw a few of my hopes and dreams at your face by telling you to do some DD."