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04/15/12 4:05 PM

#21413 RE: PDOS4Life #21412

what has happened to you is horrible....i applaud your honesty

i wish more people would come forward....

altounian and Scotty need to hear first hand what their deception and theft have caused...

i still ask myself how these guys can sleep at night...

once again....thanks for the honesty....hopefully some good can come out of this disaster (jail time comes to mind)

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04/15/12 9:13 PM

#21415 RE: PDOS4Life #21412

You have your health and a family that supports you
Your already rich in the most important ways
it maybe hard to get a handle on it right now because youve probably been kick'in yourself over it, just remember health and family are the true blessings in life.

There is still a chance but what you have to look for in these penny stocks is that they will dilute you to infinity and reverse split you to shares that will be meaningless its a tactic they use to artificialy rasie the price to attract new investors and they do this ignoring what it does to the exsisiting investors.
They basically subtract investors out of the equation by splitting down form 1000 to 10 or sometimes even 4 or 3 dependig on how little they care about us

I know this cause its happened to me before I was just informed of these things before hand so i didnt have a whole lot tied up in them.

Keep your chin up amigo
Tomorrows a new day so enjoy health and family every minute