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04/14/12 8:31 PM

#92 RE: goblue16 #91

He is a confidence man. A drunk with a golden tongue which he uses to front-load penny stocks, emails his loyal followers with his newly acquired front-loaded stock with his B.S. buy signals. Then dumps his front-loaded shares to his loyal(buying) following and lines his bank account with your money as you buy. Then leaves a long trail of red-bag holders in his wake.

There are plenty of posts here from his red-bag holding victims, including me, to support this claim. If you receive email from this guy PLEASE post them in their entirety here so others will see what is going on and be spared financing his lifestyle at our expense.

Am I slandering this guy? I seriously doubt it. I worked in computer network security in a prison environment (which is where I hope he ends up) to understand a few things about how slander works. Besides, which one of his aliases could I possibly be held guilty of slander as he has several to hide behind...
