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04/14/12 11:45 AM

#77787 RE: qwerty321 #77786

Nepth, and Querty..........

Right on! Keep the faith, the "Fat Lady" hasn't sung just yet!

Whisk !

Go Ckuck and co. the only way is UP!


04/14/12 5:18 PM

#77788 RE: qwerty321 #77786

Yes press releases cost money, a press release for this company should be well under $1000, but it is also a $1000 this company doesn't have as they have no money and no assets. Which makes one think, if they can't come up with a $1000 for a simple informative PR, what makes anyone think they can come up with any $$$$ for a vital company business plan that could make any $$$$ at all.
Since the inception of our BOD and the ESHC shareholders have lost over 90% of their $$$$ and have had all trading stopped. This is not a good thing.
To believe there is any good coming in the near future is a laughable matter, with NO $$$ and no assets their can be no profits......PERIOD.
The only viable solution is more of the same old same old.........lots of talk and no will all lead to more LOSSES!!!!
I have told people here for the last 4 years of the BOD and CPRKQ's demise and have been extremely accurate of the companies forthcoming, I can say again with complete accuracy that their are more losses to come.
Peoples faith and hope in this company have lead to millions of dollars in losses and it will lead to millions more.
More losses coming.
TIC TOC!!!!!!!