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08/21/05 1:59 PM

#9452 RE: BoomTime #9444

I like Fibonnaci numbers and the Goldern Section; I use them in design, just like nature does.

Retracement theories use the Golden Section ratio ( the reciprocal of a square under the Golden Ratio of 1.618 to 1.0 = .62) to define pullbacks, and it works.

Nature's numbers produce a geometrical system of relative proportional, and infinite, three dimensional relationships which defy description on many levels. Look at the head of a sunflower, or a conch shell as examples, to see the power and elegance of this design system.

I use SMA's based upon the same numbers, 5-8-13-21-34-55-89-144 etc. And, I throw in 62. You will see 21/62, 34/89 etc. on my charts as SMA's on the PPS side, and as background to indicators sometimes.

It's all a matter of what works for the chart really. You will see for example the 20/50 MA crossover we had the other day, the 21/62 that is just underway now, underscoring my continued bullishness for the week coming, and the MA89 right at 0.013.