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04/13/12 12:32 PM

#173633 RE: StephanieVanbryce #173632

Stephanie -- Mel is a (neo-)Catholic fundamentalist of the most extreme stripe -- not in all respects the same as, of course, but every bit as extreme as any (neo-)Protestant reconstructionist/dominionist -- and as psychotic -- his entirely believable alleged quote re John Lennon's "Imagine" pretty much saying it all -- . . .

(don't have time right now to include links, but a search of the board over the years will turn up posts providing substantial context/background)

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04/13/12 8:20 PM

#173677 RE: StephanieVanbryce #173632

"Self-absorbed and self-righteous", just now used on Sydney radio to describe the (paraphrase) 'extreme
conservative Christian evangelistic fervor dominating Republican politics in America today' .. he is
obviously highly intelligent (neither positive nor negative in itself), and clearly self-absorbed and
self-righteous .. i was surprised to find myself posting even that one story on Gibson, but he has
said so many despicable things i thought f*** 'im .. now .. lol .. you have seen most of this .. fini!

Top 10 Most Offensive Mel Gibson Quotes


Mel Gibson's Long, Hateful History .. excerpt ..

"You look like a f***ing pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of n*****s, it will be
your fault," he says on one recording. Speaking separately about a female employee, he
says: "I will report her to the f****ng people that take f***ing money from the wetbacks."

About her appearance, he says: "Look what you are ... look what every part of you
is ... f***ing fake ... you are the most synthetic person ... who the f*** are you?"

In perhaps the most shocking portion of the tape, Grigorieva demands to know "what kind of man" would hit a
woman in the face, while she was holding their baby. His response was: "You know what? You f***ing deserved it."


Guess this is an example of Mel Gibson's basic 'purest' personally heartfelt attitude toward a woman's 'place' ..

Mel Gibson pours millions into extremist Catholic sect • Monday October 27, 2008

Australian actor Mel Gibson has poured another $15.2 million into his controversial private church in California’s exclusive beachside suburb of Malibu.

US federal tax filings showed Gibson’s Holy Family Catholic Church now has tax-free assets worth a total of $64 million.

Gibson is the sole contributor to the church, which has a small congregation of about 70 members and follows a 500-year-old ethos.

Among the church’s assets were art works with a listed value of almost $760,000.

Gibson listed three major expenses for 2007, including an architect and landscaper who have done work in and around the church. He also paid a law firm $105,000 for its services, but his church did not appear to donate to charities.

Gibson’s secretive sect is not recognised by the Catholic Church .. .. because it does not acknowledge the authority of the Pope or the Vatican and rejects the universally accepted teachings of the Second Vatican Council.

The church’s financial coffers are impressive, particularly when compared to the funds of other religious organisations in the US.

The Archdiocese of New York’s Catholic Charities organisation listed its total assets at the end of 2006 as only $5.1 million.

Gibson’s church, which offers a daily morning Mass in Latin, follows an antiquated ideology of Catholicism dating back to the 16th century.

Female followers must abide by a strict dress code requiring them to wear veils over their hair and long skirts. Pants are banned.

The exclusive parish caters for about 70 members, with the existing chapel having seating for 100 people.

In the past two years Gibson, 52, has overseen the building of a much bigger Spanish mission-style church which will seat about 400 people. The church, launched in 1999, is on the famed Mulholland Drive, set among lush Tuscan-style gardens. It does not welcome strangers and has high fences and a heavy security presence.

======== .. see one in reply from a link in that one ..

Does Gibson relate to Jesus? Does he really care about the rights and feelings of others?

CNN Presents: Acting Out - The Mel Gibson Story

Aired May 22, 2011 - 20:00 ET [rush transcript] .. bits ..

AVALON: Mel and his sidekick Steve Bisley were over this wedding going on for too long, so they went to the windows and gave them the moons, which then, you know, heated up the big guys in the -- at the wedding and they chased them off down the road.

ANDERSON: Gibson would soon pay for his bad boy behavior, getting into a bar brawl just before an audition.

[this no big deal, just]

(on camera): A husband, a father and leading man good looks, Mel Gibson was admired and adored by his many fans. But in Hollywood, by the mid-1980s, Gibson was also becoming known as "Mad Mel," with a growing reputation for drinking and getting into trouble.

[the macho man kick]

CAGLE: Even though Mel was very serious about his acting, he never shied away from doing the action
roles. He was very good at it. I think he enjoyed being the, you know, tough, macho guy on screen.

ROZEN: The action roles suit him because he's a guy who seems like he could explode and that's what he does in films.

[as his father was]

GIBSON: I'm kind of a household Hitler, I suppose, if I can use that word. And, you know, it's our decision they stay
away from it until they're old enough. And if they want to be part of it, yes, OK. But for now, they got to go to school.

[on women again]

ANDERSON: Gibson later said his quotes were misinterpreted. In the 1995 "Playboy" interview,
Gibson again expressed views that raised eyebrows, including his dislike of feminists.

GROBEL: When he started talking about when men and women being equal and all this, so I
asked about his wife. Does she think you're (INAUDIBLE)? And he goes, she likes that way.

[great sense of humor, good, yet?]

I got a sense that Mel had a great sense of humor, a zany sense of humor.

ANDERSON: Gibson was known for pulling pranks, such as putting a frozen rat
in Julia Roberts's trailer when they made the movie, "Conspiracy Theory."


[not sure what this means]

GROBEL: In "Schindler's List" where he wanted to play Schindler. And he said he would have played him as a much slicker guy.


CAGLE: We knew he was a conservative catholic but we didn't realize the depth of his conviction,
until we began to know a little more about the movie. This movie was the passion of Mel Gibson.

[extremely passionate men]

NOXON: Traditionalist Catholics, Mel included, believe all the sort of liberal reforms that happened in the late '60s were a mistake, were folly. So, they're trying to hold onto a version of Catholicism that existed long before the modern era. And that means women wear headdresses, that means there's no meat on Fridays, that means a very strict and literal interpretation of the Bible.

ANDERSON: Noxon also spent time with Mel's father, Hutton, a traditionalist Catholic, who's written scholarly books
like "Is the Pope Catholic?" In it, Hutton argues the modern day mass is the shortest, surest route to hell.

NOXON: On the one hand, he seems like a very genial kind of grandfatherly
type, and then his world view is as extreme as anyone I've ever met.

ANDERSON (on camera): He shared with you a number of conspiracy theories. What did he tell you?

NOXON: He believed that the World Trade Center bombings were a conspiracy, that there was no way the Holocaust
could have happened the way they said it did, that there were more Jews living in Europe after the Holocaust
than before. I never, for once, thought that Hutton's views were automatically and naturally shared by Mel.

ANDERSON (voice-over): Hutton did not respond to our request for an interview. What is clear,
however, is Mel and his father share a deep conviction in their traditionalist Catholic faith.

FATHER WILLIAM FULCO, PRIEST: These are incredibly passionate men.

[AH! .. finally the bit i was looking for ..]

GIBSON: Freedom!

FULCO: That's something he says about himself, he seeks freedom even in the middle of personal suffering and doubt.

ANDERSON: Do you think he personally identified in a way with Jesus and the crucifixion?

FULCO: Oh, I think Mel did very much identify with Jesus and the crucifixion.

I think it largely reflects his own experience of the early '90s, he was caught in an addiction,
and he thought not so much as he reached up to God, he felt God reached down to him.

ok that's that one ..


A personal comment arises from Gibson's Freedom! cry above ..

yeah, at about 20 i cried, Freedom! too, lol, that rang a bell .. at about 19 when i 'broke' .. when
i fought shyness, self-doubt .. ALL those things some of us suffer loved most everything about ..

EXCEPT Alfies's treatment of women .. i remember that poignantly .. i cried, FREEDOM!, but HATED his treatment of women .. so i went to find Alfie's 'freedom' while underlining it with a determination to be more honest, and empathetic than i felt Alphie was .. Gibson has done his thing differently .. cruelty to others seems to be the dark side of Gibson's bag .. sorry, too long .. gawd! .. about finished .. Alfie, was an afterthought ..

======== .. [these already in] ..

Oh .. HA .. have wondered about how he got out of his marriage while salving his conscience .. poor Mel ..

Mel's marriage is annulled ... by his own dad
Friday, July 31, 2009

No wonder Mel Gibson is giving the thumbs-up. Full time has been called on his 28-year marriage to Robyn Moore.

The Pope didn't give the order, though. That edict came from Mel's 90-year-old father Hutton Gibson, and
it paves the way for his son to marry his pregnant Russian girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva by Christmas.

Having had his request turned down by Catholic bishops, Mel, 53, pleaded his case in front of a
tribunal of members from the Church of the Holy Family, his breakaway Catholic church in Malibu.

Hutton, who once studied for the priesthood only to leave before he was ordained, presided over the hearing. He granted Mel's annulment request after his son presented evidence that his union to Robyn, 53, was never a true marriage — even though they wed in a Catholic ceremony in Australia in June 1980.

"Especially important was Mel's description of how he felt pressured into
the marriage in the first place because Robyn was pregnant," a family insider says.

"Those feelings indicated to Hutton that it couldn't have been a true marriage, and so he felt it must be invalid.

"After the discussion ended, Hutton pounded his fist on the table and said,
‘It is true that this union did not have what it takes to be a true marriage.'"

The family are at pains to keep the annulment, which took place a month
after Robyn filed for divorce in April, a secret — but maybe not too secret.

"Mel hopes some of the bishops he has befriended recently can be
persuaded to give him a proper Catholic annulment," the insider says.

Either way, Mel is forging ahead with plans for a Christmas wedding to Oksana, 39, despite
her cold feet over his recent behaviour, which includes gambling escapades in Las Vegas.


this? .. lol, well it could suggest his strict view of how women should (his strictest form of Catholic belief
and dictates upon women there) be is compromised by other more personal needs, whatever they be ..

Mel Gibson dating fetish model: report
June 20, 2011

Read more:


Gibson on his 'best' behavior

Mel Gibson crashes Maserati … again .. October 12, 2011 ..

And, while Gibson’s temper has been in the news for all the wrong reasons recently,
he was apparently cooperative in exchanging insurance details for the Phoenix crash.

.. that could have been any of us with a car .. memories .. lol


Robert Downey Jr. implores Hollywood to 'forgive' Mel Gibson
Simone Mitchell .. October 17, 2011 ..

Downey Jr.'s comments were met with applause in the auditorium, but the comments were met with a mixed reaction online.

Forbes columnist E.D Kain applauded Downey Jr's sentiments, stating "I say bravo to Robert Downey Jr. Someone has to appeal to our better angels. The gossip machine is brutal, and we’re too quick to topple those we raise up so high in the first place.

"Gibson’s struggle may not be a pretty one to witness, but it can’t be any better to have your own hardships and shortcomings broadcast for all the world to see."

Gossip columnist Perez Hilton had a different attitude and lashed out, writing on his blog "Of course, nobody is perfect, and while we agree with that sentiment, there's a big difference between being down and out because you're struggling with the disease of addiction and repeatedly expressing hatred and rage toward a group of people for their religious beliefs!"

.. F6 has Gibson right ..