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04/13/12 8:46 AM

#420 RE: in4damoney #419

Funny you should accuse me of spam - take a look at Buttonwood's posts.

Holy Shitballs!! up^^^ 250% Buttonwood 04/11/2012 01:27:58 PM
Holy Shitballs!!!.01's up Buttonwood 04/11/2012 12:42:08 PM
Holy Shitballs!!! MM's have nothing!!! Buttonwood 04/11/2012 10:17:01 AM
Holy Shitballs!!! Everybody's here!!! Buttonwood 04/10/2012 11:46:12 PM
600K bring it up 1,400% Holy Shitballs!!! Buttonwood 04/10/2012 06:07:14 PM
PAR VALUE .025 Holy Shitballs!!!! Buttonwood 04/10/2012 04:06:41 PM


04/13/12 8:47 AM

#421 RE: in4damoney #419

The way I see it, there are still over 1M TLDG shares to be dumped before TLDG returns to its grave so it will be dropping more until they are all dumped.