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04/12/12 7:45 PM

#60376 RE: kelseyf #60366

> No funding- Really? they have already said they were working on funding- You do realize funding does not happen overnight, don't you?
Yes we realize that funding does not happen over night however you do realize that funding is next to impossible to get when the business plan and model is so full of holes that is make swiss chesse look solid.......Of course when all fails there is always the dilution press!!!
Here we go again with the business plan... didn't we already touch this? they have already stated in the PR that they were working on a comprehensive business plan to present to potential funders... YES, POTENTIAL FUNDERS... who would have thought? LMAO!

> No patent product- Again, they are working on a patent, it was in the PR, maybe you should READ them!
But that is the problem with RFMK - the answer is that RFMK Management is also working on items for tomorrow - but tomorrow never comes - rather is becomes another tomorrow!
Patents take time, they don't happen in a matter of days or even weeks, maybe you should do a little DD on this....

> No concrete business plan or model- Again, they stated they were putting together a comprehensive business plan in order to get said funding. again, I really feel you should read the PR's!!Oh don't worry I've read the PR's - in fact it is the RFMK PR's that creates such negative opinion full of doubt
So now it is the PR's fault LMAO!

> Going foward statements/PR's that offer nothing more a fluffed up information and lack of detail.- OK so now bringing product to market is "fluff" LMAO!
In this case you are correct, so far bringing this product to market is more like "up in smoke"!!!Do you have any idea how much product RFMK would need to turn to come close to validating a $3.2M value.....Let me give you clue 2 stores on limited shelf space ain't goingto cut it
Did you really expect RFMK to put in a 10k order on their first run with a new manufacture? IMO Common sense say's they would want to try a small run first to test quality... that is exactly what they did!

> Questionable Management Team- questionable to you! I am confident that TOM, Mike and Judah are doing what it takes to make this happen...
They sure are, becoming a RFMK game of which shell does the RFMK CEO hide under today
Well, you are entitled to your opinions, I'm entitled to mine!

> Recent Dilution - yup, tom has already explained the dilution in the PR, Again, maybe you should read the PR!
Yes he sure did and that RFMK PR regaring "the possible creative funding options IMO has toxic written all over it for the RFMK shareholder...Perhaps you are the one that needs to understand what is being said between the lines in such a PR
I understand just fine.. Again this is just YOUR opinion, I though we were sticking to FACTS!

> Recent Bib Chill (DTC)- I suppose you know why they were put on the chill list, correct? please, share your knowledge with us, I would love to hear your take!
Actually if I was a RFMK shareholder I would be digging into this reason for the Big Chill so fast heads would be turning......DTC Big Chill's are not put in force for the good of the company now for the endorsement that the company is on the up and up....A Big Chill is implemented for specific reasons; reasons that are not often in the shareholders best interest
I already know the reasons for a company to have a chill placed on them, I asked if YOU knew WHY the CHILL was put on RFMK? again, not looking for opinion here, seeking FACTS!

Do I need to go any further??? yes, but this time please, STICK TO THE FACTS AND NOT YOUR OPINIONS!
Would not do anything but hit the facts....the facts that are clearly being communicated by the RFMK communications and PR's; problem is IMO, these RFMK communications and PR's are so full of vagueness and non-committing direction and actions that the facts for RFMK are completely clouded over.

Again, I thought we WERE sticking to facts! that is why I mentioned in in the above replies!

Ball back in your court...LOL
