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04/12/12 2:59 AM

#126774 RE: logman #126769

Exactly logman!...charged with Self-Defense While White, a felony.


04/12/12 3:14 AM

#126777 RE: logman #126769

She asked today for EVERYONE to pray for her... Law Enforcement Officers and lawyers for the state of FloriDUH... and the martin family... no prayers for Zimmerman or his family. That right there will be used against her in the future... bank on it.
Sean Hannity said today that he has been told by numerous sources... and he alluded to Zimmerman telling him directly... that there exists some sort of video recording of this incident and this corrupt prosecutor (she has shown her bias today) said new evidence would be released.

Now I have no idea what will happen nor do I know for certain what has happened... but I do know that America was damaged badly with this debacle and along with all of the other insane activities occurring in America today... that we as an indivisible nation are doomed. There can be no compromise with communists and there can be no compromise or peace with racists. Zimmerman is Hispanic... and yet to hate him and make it easier to hate him... the black leadership in America and their presstitutes have called him white. Being white and male in America today is a crime punishable by whatever in the **** holder and obama want the punishment to be... even if it is to allow the new black panther party to issue a public contract on Zimmerman's life. It is as if a black david duke was selected as president... only hundreds of times worse.