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04/11/12 10:15 AM

#13018 RE: enjoylife #13014

So, just who is James Scott, CEO of RenuEn? Maybe this provides some insight into not only the man, but also his philosophy and his character:

paragraph 5 for anyone with a short attention span.....

Taking A Company Pubic - Fulfilling The Objectives
Thursday, November 18th, 2010
Whether it’s putting out the flames of a recent corporate crisis or defamer, the almost impossible attempts at taking your company public or the ongoing drama of creating global alliances to expedite entity expansion the success and failure of these challenges comes down to the CEO’s unwillingness to lose.

The mentality and stubborn nature that makes the CEO the company punk with too much attitude to be approachable by sub management is the same ego that will save the company from the wrath of despair. The arrogant, seemingly self-centered mindset of the upper echelon senior executive stems from either insecurity or a man/woman on a mission with their roots firmly planted and unwilling to deviate from the goal’s set for the company.

A cocky, informed, pompous company president with a track record of success should be free from board intervention and founder interruption so long as they are yielding results from these actions. Think about it, who is going to back a wavering CEO or someone that is willing to bend to pressure? To the contrary, you want a tough minded, intellectual brawler ready to go to battle at the drop of a hat to preserve your company’s vision and marketplace position. Who wants a pushover in a position that demands mental stamina and 24 hour alertness?

Obviously the company leader needs to have a personality that acts as targeted gravity to those around him; they should be a personable individual that has an aura when they walk into the room.

For example, James Scott, CEO of Princeton Corporate Solutions Inc.; one of the global economy’s most sought after consultants for regional economic turn-around, governmental strategies and IPO facilitation, all falling under the umbrella of an economic strategies firm that is unmatched and unrivaled on the international globalization scene. When reading about his track record you’d expect a 65 year old executive, gray hair and Warren Buffet-ish in demeanor. The reality is he’s a 30 something kid with a shaved head, muscular physique and a glare that could melt a hold in the Berlin wall. He’d rather tell you to take your investment capital and stuff it where the ’sun don’t shine’ before he asks you twice to invest in a venture. He is renowned for simply getting up and walking out of a room if the client’s attempting to adjust his model for expansion or redevelopment, yes he’s that good. His cocky, unwaveringly confident aura is the precise reason there is a 9 month backlog of countries, regional governments and corporate clients waiting in line to work with him.

It would be one thing to have this arrogance and not have a track record or ability to fulfill obligations but this cocky play stems from one of the most successful restructuring histories in modern economics.

So next time you complain that your CEO is a jerk or too difficult to vent to, remember the fact that without this tough exterior your leader would crack under pressure and bend too often thus your company would have a shortened lifespan and you’d be in the market hunting for a job.