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04/10/12 2:07 PM

#173277 RE: SilverSurfer #173276

SilverSurfer -- that's gibberish (and O'Rourke's another raging nitwit) -- look again at that chart you posted:

those countries with lower rates of teen pregnancy just about all have stronger, not weaker, social safety nets than we do -- including for young unwed mothers

for starters -- . . .


04/10/12 6:32 PM

#173337 RE: SilverSurfer #173276

the article was on the motivation for young unmarried girls to have babbies, by choice. Giving them a purpose and welfare income.

Is that so? Do you know what the average welfare check is and do you know how long a person is allowed to remain on welfare? Try the google.

But as usual, you didn't answer the question.

I wonder if there are any studies showing that if the repub women haters get their way and defund planned parenthood so low income women no longer have access to birth control and virtually shut down abortion clinics in the poorest red states, how much that teen pregnancy rate will rise?

Care to take a guess?